Thursday, July 28, 2016

Start with the right foot! - Life after bariatric Surgery

After weight loss surgery you normally take a few days off from work or from other activities, also when you start to see the changes you want to jump quickly to working out but there are a few things you need to know before starting.

On one of our blogs we talked about how to work out and there I mentioned that it’s really important that you get the correct equipment for you, one of the most recommended item is the belt (workout belt and support belt).

But before I start getting more into the type of belts and when to use them first let’s talk about when can you start your normal activities...

  • ain: Normally its gone by the first week from there on you stop feeling it, if by the first month pain is still there contact your doctor to know how to relieve it.
  • Activities: First week you might feel weak and that’s normal, it happens because all your body’s energy is at a recovery state and also you don’t get much food (remember that when undergoing through this type of procedure a 80% is normally removed) so it has to get accustomed to that big change.

But when can I start my regular activities?
It is recommended to start one week after surgery if you have a desk job, also your exercise needs to start by taking long walks (30-40 min.) If you have a more demanding job then talk to your doctor so he can determine in how much time you can start... Now let’s go back to belts, it is really important that you know which belts are used and in what circumstances they have to be used.

Support Belts:

The support belts normally go with persons that are standing for long periods of time or also are at the desk for more than 4 hours, you can find these ones as lumbar support belts, lumbar braces or back support belts.

*If you want to work out with these types of belts the best exercise is walking or using the thread mill.

Work out belts:
Well there isn’t much to say here their purpose y to help you do heavy lifting, what I can really tell you about them are that if you have a more demanding job carrying stuff above 20 lbs. get one so you can do your job more easily.

Still not convinced?... Well let me tell you 3 benefits on how using belts work.

1. - Belts stabilize and reduce stress on spine.
Increasing intra-abdominal pressure is similar to inflating a balloon inside your abdominal cavity. The pressure inside the abdominal cavity pushes on the spine to support it from the inside, while the core muscles in the abdominal wall and lower back push on the spine from the outside. This inside and outside pressure acts to stabilize the spine and reduce the stress it receives when lifting heavy weights. This is how lifting belts can help to protect against back injuries during lifting. It's not due to the belt supplying the support; it's due to the way that the body reacts to the belt that supplies the spinal support.

2. – Belts create better body biomechanics
Research shows that when lifting boxes, wearing a lifting belt reduces the amount of spinal flexion (forward bend at the spine), spinal extension (bending back of the spine), and lateral flexion of the spine (bending side to side), but increases the amount of flexion at the hips and knees. In other words, a belt forces you to lift more with your legs than your back, which is precisely the biomechanical position you want to use when lifting something from the ground. These are also the biomechanics you want to use during deadlifts and squats with a barbell.

3. – Belts beget better performance.
Will wearing a belt actually increase your power, strength, or muscle growth? Yes! According to some research, wearing a belt will help increase all the above.

So those are three key benefits now that you know how a belt can help you to overcome your work out. Remember to talk to a physician so you can have a more accurate decision on what type of belt to use!

And remember that exerciseand diet go hand and hand with surgical weight loss. The surgery works, but it is only a tool. Many patients have remarkable success because they use their tool the right way. Some people struggle and believe their tool was defective. Most of the patients that struggle are those that thought the surgery was a quick fix. They didn’t fully commit to the “complete lifestyle change forever” mindset that goes with bariatric surgery.

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Monday, July 25, 2016

Genetics and Obesity are related!

Today we are going to talk about how your genetics are sometimes against you and your weight, but why?... Well Obesity and genetics a directly related and combines with some environmental influences they are 70% responsible for your body’s weight.

And here at Long Term WLS / VSG we understand that bariatric surgery may be the only way to effectively alter these genetically predetermined body processes.

But why my genes are causing me obesity?
Evolution yeah that’s it evolution is one of the main reasons. We are designed to survive and that’s how our bodies has been adapting itself going through survival requirements have coincided with environmental factors over the course of human history.
Let’s stop the history lesson for a moment and go back to what happens internally and let’s talk about hunger. Your genetics determine the amount of hunger-causing hormones that are secreted by your body into your bloodstream and how your brain interacts with those hormones.
Three types of internal body secretions have been found to regulate hunger:
  • Hormones from the digestive system, including ghrelin, peptide YY and GLP-1, let your brain know when more nutrients are “needed” based on your body’s requirements.
  • Hormones from fat cells (“adipocytes”) such as leptin keep your brain informed about your body’s level of energy deposits (fat cells).
  • Neuropeptides in the brain regulate food intake by responding to signals from hormones secreted by the body.
Ghrelin is the first of three hormones sited most frequently in conjunction with obesity. When your stomach is empty, ghrelin is secreted into your blood stream by your stomach. After you eat, the amount of secreted ghrelin drops, then slowly rises until your next meal. Lower ghrelin means less hunger.

Neuropeptide Y neurons in the brain are activated by ghrelin. When your blood carries more ghrelin to the brain, your neuropeptides create “hunger signals” leading you to feel hungry and eat.
The third most commonly-referenced hormone associated with obesity is leptin, which is secreted by fat cells!

If dieting has not worked for you, ghrelin, peptide YY and leptin are likely to be a few of the main culprits because as you diet…
  • The amount of ghrelin your stomach secretes increases, causing your brain to receive more hunger signals.
  • The amount of peptide YY your digestive system secretes decreases, causing you to feel hungrier.
  • As your leptin-secreting fat deposits dissolve, less leptin is released into your blood causing your brain to want to eat more in order to restore its fat deposits.
Now to complete the cycle you have to know that your weight also has an important role here. Each of our bodies has a set weight that it “wants” to maintain. If your body weight goes above your set point, your metabolism will speed up in an attempt to burn off the excess weight. If your weight falls below your set point, your metabolism will slow down to allow more fat accumulation.

Now we that we know how genetics affect let’s talk about how weight loss surgery helps. Let’s keep it in two ways:

1.       Hormones and weight loss: surgery impacts the hormones that affect hunger
2.       Metabolism and weight loss: surgery increases the body’s fat-burning metabolism
Surgeries that bypass or remove part of the stomach, including gastric bypass surgerygastric sleeve surgery and duodenal switch surgery may reduce feelings of hunger by…
  • Reducing the level of ghrelin secreted into the blood stream by the stomach
  • Increasing the level of peptide YY secreted into the blood stream by the lower digestive system
Ghrelin and peptide YY plasma (blood) levels are unchanged after lap band surgery (gastric banding) and vertical banded Gastroplasty surgery.
Therefore, it could be suggested that the procedures that remove or bypass part of the stomach (i.e. gastric bypass, gastric sleeve and duodenal switch) could aid in long-term weight loss by causing patients to feel less hungry. At a minimum, sustained weight loss should feel easier to achieve after these procedures due to fewer hunger signals reaching the brain.
Also bariatric surgery has been shown to increase glucose metabolism causing the body to burn energy (fat) more quickly. Increased metabolism is the result of and directly proportionate to the amount of fat lost after weight loss surgery...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

For the meat lovers ♥

Red meat contains large amounts of iron, creatine, minerals such as zinc and phosphorus, and B-vitamins: (niacin, vitamin B12, thiamin and riboflavin). Red meat is the richest source of lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant.
Red meat also contains small amounts of vitamin D. The liver contains much higher quantities than other parts of the animal. And it’s also well known for being a great source of protein.

Now we have to make choices on witch type of cut are more beneficial for a healthier meal. The tastiest cuts of beef are often the ones with more fat. But when you're concerned about your health or you're trying to watch your weight, you want the leanest cuts of beef. 

But which ones are the leanest cuts?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates whether cuts of beef can be labeled as "lean" or "extra lean" based on their fat and cholesterol content. So the best way to get the leanest cut is to check labels...
To make sure you are having a lean cut a 3.5-ounce serving (about 100 grams) that contains less than:
·         10 grams total fat
·         4.5 grams saturated fat
·         95 milligrams cholesterol

Now in order to get an extra lean cut make sure that in a 3.5-ounce serving (about 100 grams) that contains less than:
·         5 grams total fat
·         2 grams saturated fat
·         95 milligrams cholesterol

The following ones are considered a great choice for extra lean cuts:
·         Eye of round roast or steak
·         Sirloin tip side steak
·         Top round roast and steak
·         Bottom round roast and steak
·         Top sirloin steak
If you still have questions about which cuts of beef are lean or extra lean, ask your butcher or grocer. If you're dining out, ask the restaurant server or chef for recommendations for lower fat options. But keep in mind that the same cuts of beef can have different names. For example, a boneless top loin steak may also be called a strip steak, club sirloin steak or N.Y. strip steak.

Other tips when choosing cuts of beef:
·         Choose cuts that are graded "Choice" or "Select" instead of "Prime," which usually has more fat.
·         Choose cuts with the least amount of visible fat (marbling).
·         When selecting ground beef, opt for the lowest percentage of fat.
·         Limit consumption of beef organs, such as liver, to about 3 ounces (85 grams) a month since organ meat is high in cholesterol.

Even the leanest cuts of beef can become high-fat diet busters if you prepare them in unhealthy ways. Here are a few simple methods to control the fat:
  • ·         Trim it. Cut off any visible, solid fat from meat before preparing, and then remove any remaining visible fat before eating.
  • ·         Drain it. After cooking ground meat, put it into a strainer or colander and drain the fat. Then rinse the meat with hot water. Blot the meat with a paper towel to remove the water.
  • ·         Chill it. After cooking, chill beef juices so that you can skim off and discard the hardened fat. Then add the juice to stews, soups and gravy.

Now that you know how to choose your meat, eat healthy and stay healthy!

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Fish in the sea! - Bariatric meals

Following bariatric surgery, patients are advised to eat at least 60-80 grams of protein every day. This amounts to approximately three servings of three to four ounces of poultry, meat, fish, shellfish or low-fat dairy products each day. Fish is a lean protein source, which when substituted for saturated fat sources, such as those in red meat, may lower cholesterol. 

Patients in the weight-loss phase following weight-loss surgery are restricted to such a limited diet and the more variety of protein you eat, the less “burnout” or diet fatigue there is likely to be.
From my experience patients tend to love or hate fish but that’s normally because of the taste or the smell that it leaves behind. So for you to experience a more pleasant fish taste here are some tips you can follow.

Tips for Cooking Fish!!
Realizing that the smell of fish is a turnoff for many people who do not eat fish; these are some tips that may be helpful.
§  Before cooking any fish, squeeze lime or lemon juice over it, season with salt and pepper and let it stand at room temperature for about an hour. The acid of the juice will soften the connective tissues of the fish so that a shorter cooking time is necessary and it will also remain a nice color.
§  In place of fresh lemon or lime, try crystallized lemon or lime products that come in a shaker, which may be found on the baking aisle of most grocery stores.
§  To get rid of odors while cooking fish, add two tablespoons of vinegar to two cups of water and simmer it in a small saucepan while the fish is cooking.

§  When baking fish, lay it on a bed of thinly sliced onions, parsley and lettuce leaves. This way, the fish will avoid sticking and it will have a savory taste.

But why is fish so important?
Not that is so important, but it’s a great source of protein it also comes with Omega-3, this source of fatty acids are really good and help you to reduce the risk from developing heart problems.
Some people are scared of eating fish because it contains mercury but here is the secret larger fish which are higher in the food chain, such as shark, tilefish, swordfish and king mackerel, tend to have higher levels of mercury than smaller fish. Also the evidence for the benefits of eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids is stronger than for taking supplements, however, these are still a good option that are worth discussing with a healthcare professional (especially for those who do not eat fish).

Another good source of Omega-3 (if you don’t like fish oil) comes from algae but it doesn’t give you as much as eating fish. Other food sources that contain some omega-3 fatty acids include egg yolks from omega-3 enhanced eggs, flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil and soybeans.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish, are thought to have many health benefits, such as:
§  Reducing inflammation throughout the body
§  Decreasing triglycerides
§  Lowering blood pressure
§  Reducing blood clotting
§  Reducing risks of dementia
§  Boosting immunity
§  Improving arthritis symptoms
§  Improving learning ability (specifically in children)

And now here is the list of fish that are high in Omega-3

§  Wild salmon
§  Albacore tuna
§  Lake trout
§  Atlantic mackerel
§  Atlantic herring
§  Sardines

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Work out Trifecta...

You might be wandering what’s that work out trifecta and it’s nothing from the outside world, actually is really simple it consist on doing Endurance training, Flexibility and Strength. Yeah that’s it by doing this three steps you can embark on a fitness journey.

Let’s begin with Endurance training!
  • Walking is the best way to go by doing a walking plan and setting an initial daily goal. Then increase the goal by 10% each day that you walk. A great way to go about this is to count your steps using a pedometer. To set your baseline goal, clip on your pedometer and walk for 20 or 30 minutes throughout the day. Spread your walks throughout the day so you don’t get too tired… three 10 minute walks, for example...
  • After a few weeks, you’ll be well on your way to better shape and will be ready to take your endurance routine to the next level. As the walking gets easier increase the difficulty of your daily steps. First, start taking the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible, or walk hills instead of flat ground if you have them in your area.
  • As you keep on progressing in your endurance you can increase the difficulty by riding a stationary bike at the gym or if you have then at your house. Another fun work out you can do is hula hoping and with this you can strengthen your core, arms and legs.
  • Also you can try swimming It contributes to endurance, strength and flexibility with minimal impact on the joints and works virtually every part of your body.

Now let’s go ahead and talk about a little bit of Flexibility...
Stretch… That’s the secret at the beginning its going to burn but also you will feel the euphoria that you are making changes in your life and after that pain there is a feeling good sensation and satisfaction that you are becoming more flexible.
Just as importantly, flexibility exercise for bariatric surgery patients improves coordination, increases blood flow to your muscles resulting in less soreness and more energy and improves chronic problems such as lower back pain.
To stretch properly, you should go far enough to “feel the burn” but not so far that it hurts. Hold the stretch for at least 10 seconds while feeling the burn, breathe deeply and consistently, and don’t bounce.
FYI: Beginners YOGA can help you with this and on the long run it also helps build muscle.

Now let finish this off with Strength! While it is the last it’s also really important to have it on you daily work out and it only should be started after your Endurance and Flexibility has been done.
As a good recommendation for starters, the exercise ball is a good way to go, these provide a great low-impact workout for core strength. Just sitting on them while watching TV or working at your desk will work your abs, sides and lower back. As you get stronger, start to incorporate exercises.

The size you need depends on your height:
·         Under 5 feet – 45 cm
·         5’1" – 5’8" – 55 cm
·         5’9" – 6’2" – 65cm
·         6’3" – 6’7" – 75cm
·         Over 6’8 " – 85cm

And as you progress start adding weights to the work out, you can start with dumbbells (from 1 to 5 pounds).
And also you can incorporate it to the other workouts and from there do your arm and shoulders exercises.
Well now that you know the 3 basic steps to do a full work out remember that you also have to use the correct equipment and clothing.