Monday, July 18, 2016

Fish in the sea! - Bariatric meals

Following bariatric surgery, patients are advised to eat at least 60-80 grams of protein every day. This amounts to approximately three servings of three to four ounces of poultry, meat, fish, shellfish or low-fat dairy products each day. Fish is a lean protein source, which when substituted for saturated fat sources, such as those in red meat, may lower cholesterol. 

Patients in the weight-loss phase following weight-loss surgery are restricted to such a limited diet and the more variety of protein you eat, the less “burnout” or diet fatigue there is likely to be.
From my experience patients tend to love or hate fish but that’s normally because of the taste or the smell that it leaves behind. So for you to experience a more pleasant fish taste here are some tips you can follow.

Tips for Cooking Fish!!
Realizing that the smell of fish is a turnoff for many people who do not eat fish; these are some tips that may be helpful.
§  Before cooking any fish, squeeze lime or lemon juice over it, season with salt and pepper and let it stand at room temperature for about an hour. The acid of the juice will soften the connective tissues of the fish so that a shorter cooking time is necessary and it will also remain a nice color.
§  In place of fresh lemon or lime, try crystallized lemon or lime products that come in a shaker, which may be found on the baking aisle of most grocery stores.
§  To get rid of odors while cooking fish, add two tablespoons of vinegar to two cups of water and simmer it in a small saucepan while the fish is cooking.

§  When baking fish, lay it on a bed of thinly sliced onions, parsley and lettuce leaves. This way, the fish will avoid sticking and it will have a savory taste.

But why is fish so important?
Not that is so important, but it’s a great source of protein it also comes with Omega-3, this source of fatty acids are really good and help you to reduce the risk from developing heart problems.
Some people are scared of eating fish because it contains mercury but here is the secret larger fish which are higher in the food chain, such as shark, tilefish, swordfish and king mackerel, tend to have higher levels of mercury than smaller fish. Also the evidence for the benefits of eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids is stronger than for taking supplements, however, these are still a good option that are worth discussing with a healthcare professional (especially for those who do not eat fish).

Another good source of Omega-3 (if you don’t like fish oil) comes from algae but it doesn’t give you as much as eating fish. Other food sources that contain some omega-3 fatty acids include egg yolks from omega-3 enhanced eggs, flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil and soybeans.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish, are thought to have many health benefits, such as:
§  Reducing inflammation throughout the body
§  Decreasing triglycerides
§  Lowering blood pressure
§  Reducing blood clotting
§  Reducing risks of dementia
§  Boosting immunity
§  Improving arthritis symptoms
§  Improving learning ability (specifically in children)

And now here is the list of fish that are high in Omega-3

§  Wild salmon
§  Albacore tuna
§  Lake trout
§  Atlantic mackerel
§  Atlantic herring
§  Sardines